论文cover Letter怎么写

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When submitting a paper to a journal, a cover letter is often required or recommended. The cover letter serves as a brief introduction to your submission and provides an opportunity to communicate important information to the editors. Here’s a guide on how to write a cover letter for a journal submission:

1. Header:

Include your contact information at the top of the letter. This should include your full name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address.

2. Journal Information:

Address the cover letter to the editor-in-chief or the handling editor by name. Include the name of the journal and the title of your manuscript.

3. Introduction:

In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and mention the title of your manuscript. Also, state that you are submitting the manuscript for consideration for publication in the journal.

4. Rationale for Submission:

Provide a brief statement explaining why your manuscript is a good fit for the journal. Highlight any specific aspects of the journal’s focus or scope that align with your research.

5. Novelty and Contribution:

Clearly articulate the novelty and contribution of your work. Explain what makes your research unique and how it advances the field.

6. Previous Communication (if applicable):

If you’ve had any previous communication with the editor or if the submission is a result of an invitation, briefly mention this in the cover letter.

7. Manuscript Details:

Include basic details about your manuscript, such as the title, the abstract, and any special considerations. For example, if your manuscript is part of a special issue, mention this here.

8. Statement of Originality:

Include a statement confirming that the manuscript is an original work, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

9. Author Contributions:

If applicable, provide a brief statement about the contributions of each author to the manuscript.

10. Closing Paragraph:

Express appreciation for the editor’s time and consideration. Include a statement indicating that you look forward to the opportunity for your work to be considered for publication in the journal.

11. Contact Information and Signature:

Repeat your contact information and include a closing and a signature if you are submitting a hard copy. If submitting electronically, a signature is not necessary.

Additional Tips:

Follow Journal Guidelines:

Review the specific submission guidelines provided by the journal and tailor your cover letter accordingly.

Be Concise:

Keep the cover letter concise and focused. Editors often appreciate brevity.

Professional Tone:

Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the letter.


Ensure that the cover letter is free of grammatical errors and typos.

By following these guidelines, you can create an effective cover letter that introduces your manuscript to the journal’s editors and provides them with the necessary information for the review process.

当向期刊提交论文时,通常需要或建议附一封cover letter,用于对您提交的内容的简要介绍,并提供了向编辑传达重要信息的机会。 以下是有关如何撰写期刊投稿cover letter的指南:

1. 标题:

在信函顶部注明您的联系信息。 这应包括您的全名、所属单位、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。


注明主编或负责编辑的姓名。 包括期刊名称和稿件标题。


在开头段落中,简要介绍您自己并提及您的稿件标题。 另外,请声明您提交的稿件是为了考虑在期刊上发表。

4. 提交理由:

提供简短的声明,解释为什么您的稿件非常适合该期刊。 突出显示期刊重点或范围中与您的研究相符的任何具体方面。


清楚地阐明您的工作的新颖性和贡献。 解释一下您的研究有何独特之处以及它如何推动该领域的发展。

6. 之前的沟通(如果适用):


7. 稿件详情:

包括有关您的稿件的基本详细信息,例如标题、摘要和任何特殊注意事项。 例如,如果您的手稿是特刊的一部分,请在此处提及。

8. 原创性声明:


9. 作者贡献:


10. 结束语:

对编辑的时间和考虑表示感谢。 附上一份声明,表明您期待有机会考虑在期刊上发表您的作品。


如果您提交复印件,请重复您的联系信息并附上结束语和签名。 如果以电子方式提交,则无需签名。


遵循期刊指南:查看期刊提供的具体提交指南并相应地定制您的cover letter。

简洁:cover letter要简洁、重点突出。编辑通常喜欢简洁。



通过遵循这些指南,您可以创建一封有效的cover letter,向期刊编辑介绍您的稿件,并为他们提供审阅过程所需的信息。